Reinterpreting Exhale Wellness and BudPop as Shopify Websites
This proposal was prepared by the fun folks at Imaginary Friend
Before we get started, we would like to thank you for allowing us to submit a proposal and for considering us as a potential partner for this online reassessment of the Exhale Wellness and BudPop websites. We're incredibly excited about the chance to be working together and very much looking forward to being a part of this amazing opportunity.
Let's Do This!
Gordon West, Founder & Creative Chief | m: (312) 550-4945 | e:
Here's What We Heard
Based on the shared RFP, and after speaking with Greg, we understand that you're considering migrating both the Exhale Wellness and BudPop websites over to a Shopify web-based platform. However, you have concerns about Shopify's policies in relation to Delta-8 websites and the fact that Shopify could, at any point, shut down one or both of these cannabis e-commerce stores.
Taking this into consideration, as well as site performance, speed, SEO, and conversion rates, we have a few thoughts for your consideration. So, without further ado...
Let's Create World-Class Websites and Effective E-commerce Solutions
We will design two user-friendly, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing e-commerce websites that align with each brand's tonality, representing an engaging cross-device and individual business solution for both online stores.
• Transfer current website content from WooCommerce to Shopify platform
• Redesign pages to promote greater engagement through clean development and careful design
• Provide elevated product copywriting seamlessly integrating with new design and enhancing user experience
• Ensure ease of use while addressing more efficient load speeds and highly effective SEO
• Provide personal training on the Shopify admin as well as a guide/tutorials on updating the website
• Offer a service/maintenance plan reflective of more in-depth repairs and difficult future implementations
Timing (2–2.5 Months With Calendar to Come):
• Deep dive meeting designed to understand client desires and address initial potential limitations
• Assessment of client wants and needs including research around properly meeting client expectations
• Design and development of product website allowing for consistent implementation, testing, and revisions
• In-beta testing followed by transitioning the current domain to the new platform
• Product launch with staging assessment
• In-depth audit and correction of any minor issues
• Admin training on systems and platform software
A unique e-commerce website created for "Iron Fish Art." A handcrafted sculptures online shopping experience.
A unique e-commerce Shopify website for "CPAPS Etc." Your everything CPAP online store.
We believe in relationships (client and agency, organization and members, people and life). We like to listen more than speak, and we understand the importance of human-centric creative solutions aimed at brand awareness and engagement. We see ourselves as part of the ecosystem that spurs growth for your organization — a confidant in every sense of the word. That's why we prefer to play at the corner of curiosity and camaraderie.
As marketing professionals, we view business challenges as an opportunity to exceed our clients' expectations. To be successful in the art of building awareness and appreciation, we have become experts at connecting with human beings. Understanding the way people engage with your organization is paramount in defining how we capture their attention and convert their interest into advocacy. ​We create engagement solutions that people appreciate because they help provide understanding. And organizations that provide understanding inspire progress.
We believe in the power of play. Play leads to great work. Plus, sometimes you need an outsider looking in to see what you may be missing. Someone you can trust, who's dedicated to your success.​ You want a creative ally. And that just so happens to be our namesake. It's something we always aspire to. Come play in the sandbox with us. Let's uncover those unique, insight driven, creative business solutions that are truly effective.